Mac pro efi firmware update 1.5.
Mac pro efi firmware update 1.5.

mac pro efi firmware update 1.5. mac pro efi firmware update 1.5.
  1. Mac pro efi firmware update 1.5. mac osx#
  2. Mac pro efi firmware update 1.5. mac#

I don't want to start a debate about Mac pro's though.

Mac pro efi firmware update 1.5. mac osx#

Much people ( especialy audio/ video professionals) is still using old Mac computers pre 2013 (and older Mac OSX ! ) that were made before the Trash can Mac " pro" ( which many professionals didn't buy, prefering to stay with their aluminium tower Mac Pro ) for one obvious reason, the same reason why Apple came back to the real Mac pro design with the new 2019 Mac Pro ,which is just the new version of the aluminium towers, the same type of design that was used until 2013, when they were still manufacturing real Mac Pro's. I have been using my Mac pro's with 10.6 and 10.7 ( as well as more recent OSX's) since 2009/2010 ( and have been using Apple /Mac's since the early 90's ) and never had any security problem ( not to say problems never happen but i never had any ). I think it should be up to each customer to choose what he wants to do and with which OSX he prefers to use in his Mac computer and in the real world, that is often what happens (and that is a good thing) despite Apple ' s politic ! There are many things Apple doesn't allow his customers to do unfortunately, a few for good reasons but many for not so good/ bad reasons !Īpple hardware is quite often extremely good quality but quite often as well, i don't agree with their politic ( which for part of it at least, i see as planned obsolescence ). Security is one thing, the fact to be able to use the equipment we bought as we need is another. My Mac Pro are a 2009 Mac Pro 4,1 and a 2010 Mac Pro 5,1. So to put it more simply, my question here is to know if it is possible ( easily ) to downgrade the EFI / Firmware ( and SMC if needed ) of a Mac Pro, at least to revert it to the original one which was in the Mac when it was released ( or any in between if needed if there was some ). Īlso, is it possible after upgrading a Mac Pro 4,1 to 5,1 ( upgrading the EFI/ firmware / SMC) if ever i encounter compatibility problem to boot with older OSX or hardware, to revert the EFI/ firmware back to 4,1 ? I am trying to find some infos about backward compatibility with older OSX ( see my other topic if needed, about High Sierra backward compatibility with older OSX) after upgrading the Mac Pro EFI/ Firmware like when installing High Sierra ( It asks for EFI/ Firmware update ), if i want to go back to an older OSX or simply boot with any older OSX ( down to 10.6.x Mountain Lion ) and if it is possible to revert to previous / original EFI/ Firmware / SMC if needed.

Mac pro efi firmware update 1.5.